10 deadly sins of Network Marketing To Avoid
If you want to be a leader in business, there are many traits and habits you need to develop – but there are also many you need to avoid . I’ve come up with the 10 deadly sins of Network Marketing as a road map you can use for yourself and your team. When these things show up, they will damage your influence. They will impair your ability to lead. They will destroy your capacity to make a difference in people’s lives. It’s great to work on developing positive leadership skills, but you also need to do a periodic assessment to determine whether there are any negative traits you need to get rid of. Over-Inflating Your Income/Product/Opportunity We’ll start with an easy one – don’t lie to people! Maybe you got an awesome check one month, but then your income dropped back down again. Don’t keep telling people that high amount is your monthly income. Maybe you qualified at a certain level in your company and got a pin, but haven’t qualified at that level in years – but y...